Christine, Wondering

Random Musings of a Human Becoming

Monday, July 9, 2007

Sorry for the lack of bloggage!

I joined Facebook recently, and anyone who has experienced the addictiveness of that site will understand why I've forgotten to blog lately lol.

Holidays are over, and I'm back at uni for an intensive course called "The Arts, Health and Physical Education in the Curriculum". It's 8:30-4pm for 5 days - exhausting! But today was fun. We did a workshop session in which we brainstormed the health issues faced by primary students, then we went to the gym and learned some games that are useful for teaching fundamental motor skills; and then after lunch we had Introduction to the Arts (Mum keeps laughing at that, she has Harry Potter on the brain and keeps thinking I'm going to say "Dark Arts") in which we made emotion masks using only limited materials, then had to create group tableaus based on what our masks were like. We also learned the basics of drawing faces, by breaking the face down into sectors and finding the position lines that run through it. Below is the picture I drew of the girl sitting opposite me. Technically it’s a bit shaky, but it really does look like the girl I was drawing.

The point of all of this artistic stuff was to teach us how to get all four outcome areas (Arts Ideas, Arts Skills and Processes, Arts Responses and Arts in Society) out of one activity. We looked at how our own ideas were being put into the artworks, what skills we were using, how we reacted to other peoples’ artworks, and how those artworks related to arts in the wider community. Good stuff.


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