Christine, Wondering

Random Musings of a Human Becoming


Welcome to Christine, Wondering

Who am I?

I am Christine, a 33-year-old Australian ex-pat now settled in Hertfordshire, UK. I have a wonderful wife, Ellie, and an adorable stepson, known as the munchkin, aged 5.

Over the past six years I have been on a long journey of change - career, lifestyle, weight, sexuality, religion, attitudes, self-knowledge and, not the least, location. Since 2006 I have been recording elements of that journey on this blog. If you are a newcomer to my adventure, feel free to browse the archives to learn more about me.

I am a dyed-in-the-wool geek, and my interests variously include nature, photography, railways, fantasy, medieval re-enactment, writing, spirituality, healthier living, positive parenting, feminism, cultural paradigm awareness and LGBTI rights... among other things.

I identify as a lesbian but don't fit a butch or femme stereotype particularly well. I am spiritual and nature-loving but a firm atheist. I gain weight if I don't actively diet, suspect I should be growing my own vegetables and keeping chickens, and wish I owned funkier clothes. I am always exploring and learning new things, and gradually building a lifestyle that satisfies all of my needs. It certainly keeps me busy! Career-wise I'm a primary school teacher who works in the mainstream system despite having serious reservations about it. I am interested in alternative education and may yet start my own school if I don't flee the education sector entirely and return to the heritage industry which was my first love.

What is this blog about?

Anything and everything I encounter in my journey of life. Expect random bits of philosophy, photos, life events, and whatever else comes to mind when I have time and energy to write.


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