Christine, Wondering

Random Musings of a Human Becoming

Monday, November 30, 2009

Settling In

Ok, I'm here at Dad's, installed back in my old bedroom. The old house is empty and will soon be clean and done with. I'm tired and sick: spent all of Saturday afternoon throwing up everything I ate / drank, was fine Sunday but didn't sleep a wink until after 5am Monday. Today is Monday, and I didn't go to school, just wrote reports from home after sleeping in until 1pm. I still have a sick headache but at least I'm functioning.

There's only 2 and a half weeks of term left, and I'm looking forward to my two weeks off! I'm going to start retail work in the first week of January, but I decided to take a breather over Christmas. At the very least it'll give me a chance to buy some presents :/

Everything is starting to come together, I just have to keep going . . .

Thursday, November 26, 2009


It's a quarter to seven on Thursday evening. I'm moving house on Saturday morning, and I have not started packing.

Between the home opens and report writing and the church concert and everything else that has been going on, I just haven't had time. I have to get started. I finish school at lunchtime tomorrow so I'll have all afternoon and evening to get the bulk of it done, but I absolutely must start tonight. And I just can't seem to summon up the motivation. *snarlgrumble*

Friday, November 20, 2009

Too Much to Do

This week's good news is that I don't have Ross River Virus, which is rather a relief since I had all the symptoms and did get badly mosquito-bitten on the middle school camp. Whatever this virus is, it makes one badly achy and sore. I went home early from school yesterday and slept for nearly 24 hours, and I'm feeling a lot better today. Hopefully I'm past the worst of it.

The last two weeks have been a bit hellish. Between the virus, and having to finish two assignments totalling 13,000 words, getting rid of various bits of furniture, selling various appliances, trying to keep the house pristine for home opens, and still having to work . . . it's been manic.

Some of that is over now, thankfully . . . I'm on the mend, and the assignments are done with (distinctions on everything, thankyou!). In the next week I have to pack and write reports (along with various evening commitments) and then on the 28th I'm moving to Dad's, where I'm going to live until I leave for London. Everything is working out, there's just so much to be done.

Right now the fridge needs cleaning out, but it's not happening today!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Just Booked My Flight!

It's booked, it's paid for, I'm REALLY GOING!

I decided to bump my departure back to May so that I've got an extra month for my British citizenship & passport to get sorted out - just for a safety margin!

I fly out from Perth on Saturday 8th May 2010. WOW!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

London, Take Two

On Thursday I got a letter from my current school formally telling me what I already knew: there's no money for a job for me next year. I knew it would happen but it still wasn't nice to see it in writing.

By coincidence, on Friday afternoon I had an interview with a recruitment company for teaching in the UK. I'd booked it on a whim when I saw them on the job search website, thinking I'd just go along and see what was on offer. I didn't have any intention of actually going - I have a cat and car and furniture and stuff, I can't leave the country, can I?

But when I saw what they offer (a whole heap of help and financial incentives), I suddenly craved the experience and began to reassess.

Furniture can be sold. Cars can be sold. Stuff can be taken with me or stored, and God knows I have too much of it! And amongst all of my friends and family there must be some loving soul who will take Jemima and give her a home and love her as much as I do. I will miss her horribly, I'm sure, but for heaven's sake - it would be a disservice to myself to give up the adventure of a lifetime for a cat, even a cat I love. I'll find someone to take her who will keep in contact and send me pictures and let me visit her when I'm visiting Perth. I'll make it work.

So this is the plan: when school winds up this year I will get a full-time job out of the education industry - perhaps back with the optometrist chain I used to work for - and work my butt off for four months, saving and decluttering and getting rid of everything I don't need. Then I'll fly to London just after Easter, in time to get settled in for their Summer term which starts on April 19th. I'll work relief (supply over there) for a term and find out what I really want in a school, then work in whatever & travel over the summer holidays while organising a permanent full-time job for the 2010-11 school year. I do't know how many years I'm going to stay yet, but I do want to see Europe and northern Africa while I'm over there, as well as getting back to Perth for a visit at least once a year. I'll live cheaply in share houses and I won't really be buying possessions, so I hope I'll be able to make all my dreams come true.

I've got my passport interview on Tuesday and I'll book my flight tomorrow or Tuesday as well. Then I'll have six months to get things like my British passport, immunisations and federal police clearance sorted out, and to work out what I'm taking, what I'm storing and what I'm letting go.

I'm terribly excited and energised, and in obsessive research mode - I can't stop looking things up! I've already established that there's an active SCA branch in London hehe. I'm loving the adventure already.

It's a huge decision and I'm exhilarated. The sights of London and Europe that I've wanted to see for years are almost within reach - I can almost touch them - and I'm wondering how I can last six months!

I haven't announced this on Facebook yet - I'll wait until I've booked the flight and spoken to all of the people who I feel need a one-on-one announcement! I'll also pop back to BtN sometime in March and let all my English BtN friends know that I'm coming. But I had to talk about it here - I'm too full of excitement not to let it out.