Christine, Wondering

Random Musings of a Human Becoming

Sunday, September 16, 2007

I've lost weight!

It's been ages since I managed to weigh myself, as my days have usually been so full that I haven't felt relaxed enough to take the time. Plus the scales are in a public area of the house (my parents' study) which made me selfconscious.

This morning I felt relaxed enough, and my parents were busy elsewhere, so I jumped on the scales.

I've lost more than 3 kilos!

I knew I had to be losing weight because my clothes were getting looser, but that's happened before without any really obvious change on the scales. I was pretty delighted to see that number pop up :-D

All I've been doing is, basically, being too damn busy to eat. I'm so harried and stressed and constantly busy that there's really no time for me to snack or even think about snacking. And I'm too broke to be buying food when I'm out, most of the time. That, and the fact that Mum weighs my dinners along with hers so that they're Weight Watchers portions, seems to be doing the trick.

Now to keep it up . . .


Wow - that's quite a lot of weight! Congrats!

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