Christine, Wondering

Random Musings of a Human Becoming

Friday, September 29, 2006

You win some, you lose some . . .

This evening I went out to a "fellowship evening for Christian singles" run by a lady from the Cathedral. I was approaching it with a healthy pinch of salt, given that "Christian singles" could mean either singles who just happen to be Christian; or singles who exude Christianness and can't finish a sentence without mentioning God in some way. The latter is *not* my style!

So anyway, I turned up and there were only women there, and I was the only one under 40. Possibly the only under 50, actually. For two hours it was nothing but these women chatting and patronising me (in the nicest way possible, but really, I don't need to be told that I haven't eaten enough crackers!). The only guy we saw all evening turned up about 9:30pm, right before I was going home. Ho hum.

On the upside, one girl my-age-or-a-bit-older-ish turned up at 9, and we clicked in the way one does sometimes. She's a primary school teacher and she was very interested in the fact that I'm doing a teaching degree next year. She told me to give her a call after the school holidays and organise a day when I can come down and have an informal prac in her class (I wouldn't be teaching, just observing and discussing). That's a fantastic opportunity and would give me a taste of next year which I'm really hankering after! So the evening wasn't a total loss after all.


Roll on the grand final tomorrow! C'arn the Eagles!

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